Contact Me
🤗 These are some of the online places where you can find me: – My Main Fediverse Account – My Alt Fediverse Account
📚 If you're into social reading, then PLEASE let's connect. I'm always looking for fellow readers: – Bookwyrm is my favorite – Sadly Goodreads
🎮👾 Enjoy PC gaming? On Steam, too? Who are we kidding?! Of course you are. Oh, let's be friends of the nerd variety! – Steam Profile
👨🎤🎶 I won't make any promises that we'll share musical interests, but just in case, here's where you can find me listening to music. Yes, I know Spotify's the worst! Nonetheless, I enjoy the social aspect. I never said I was perfect! – Spotify – Last.FM
🤓🤘 Here are some other ongoing explorations/experiments that have my handle attached: – My Now Page – Another Profile Page – Statuses Upon Statuses – Of course, this blog, which apparently you have already discovered but just in case