n0 mad writes


🤗 These are some of the online places where you can find me: – My Main Fediverse AccountMy Alt Fediverse Account

📚 If you're into social reading, then PLEASE let's connect. I'm always looking for fellow readers: – Bookwyrm is my favoriteSadly Goodreads

🎮👾 Enjoy PC gaming? On Steam, too? Who are we kidding?! Of course you are. Oh, let's be friends of the nerd variety! – Steam Profile

👨‍🎤🎶 I won't make any promises that we'll share musical interests, but just in case, here's where you can find me listening to music. Yes, I know Spotify's the worst! Nonetheless, I enjoy the social aspect. I never said I was perfect! – SpotifyLast.FM

🤓🤘 Here are some other ongoing explorations/experiments that have my handle attached: – My Now PageAnother Profile PageStatuses Upon StatusesOf course, this blog, which apparently you have already discovered but just in case

#ContactMe #Version1

Hello 👋 and welcome to my About Me page.

My name is n0madz, and I'm a pseudonymous citizen of the cyber web. As a persona, n0madz was born roughly when I built my first PC (Sept. 2020). It quickly became my new gamer handle (I like to play games 🎮), and it's how I have chosen to represent myself digitally ever since.

Regarding my background in digital explorations, I have been solely a PC gamer since I built my first computer a few years ago. All it took was the realization that PC gamers didn't have to pay annual subscriptions to game online with their friends, and I immediately made the switch and haven't looked back since. One could say that I'm staunchly against subscription services such as Xbox Live, Game Pass, and PlayStation Plus. Just buy or build a PC or invest in a Steam deck, and I promise you won't regret it.

Other than gaming, at one time, I dabbled in the poor decision to collect digital art (cough, NFTs). I know shame on me; nonetheless, I own and live with my mistakes. I no longer collect digital art, but that time is partially responsible for my decision to remain pseudonymous. It became a habit that I consider a good one to adopt.

Besides my digital explorations, IRL (hereafter known as the meatspace), I like to cycle (not bike; I like to clip in and ride my road bike, thank you very much), long-distance run when health, weather, and work allow, read (copious amounts of reading) primarily of the fiction variety, and generally, enjoy this life on the planet known as Earth.

For some other facets of this iteration of my being, I have been exploring fatherhood for the past three years (a boy that I'll refer to on this blog as n0madz jr. – he's the very best), I am happily married to the light of my life, my partner-in-crime, Mrs. n0madz, and I am a hardcore coffee drinker. I like my rocket fuel as black as my soul.

Additionally, I am the sysadmin of the mostly single-user Mastodon instance known as wzrds.fun, where I am more than happy to connect. If you are looking for a super small instance to call your fediverse home, you are of course more than welcome to join me.

Besides wzrds.fun, you can also find me on social.lol and bookwyrm.

#AboutMe #Version1